How a digital detox can improve your life in more ways than you think

With social media and most working jobs being virtual lately, it’s no secret that the majority of the world is spending most of their days with hours of screen time.

Even though all things digital can have a positive impact in your life regarding business and creativity, the occasional break from any and all things tech can have a pretty significant impact on your mind, body, spirit and overall well being.

Whether you decide to commit to a couple hours long, an entire weekend, or a whole week, the break from technology is sure to offer some major benefits.

Here are a few of the ways the digital detox is sure to improve your life

Being and Staying Present

Being mindful in your everyday tasks can get challenging when you’re constantly thinking of the next thing.
Taking the time to break away from all things virtual is one of the simplest ways to ensure that you become more in-tune with yourself and with everything, and everyone, around you.

You’ll suddenly find yourself struggling less with mental stress, anxiety, and procrastination. You are now all about taking things slow and enjoying the present moment to the fullest, which has a positive impact on your mental health. The more that you start to embrace living in the moment sans technological distractions, the more you’ll crave that tech-free connection to the world around you.

Stronger Relationships
Meaningful relationships start to lose their meaning when the connection fails to pass via screen. With the switch to an in-person conversation, you’ll find yourself connecting with the people in your life – friends, family, etc. on a stronger and more personal level than you were before. This is due to less time focusing on virtual relationships and the now mindful/present moment interactions of your life. Other benefits include a positive work life balance and a stronger relationship with yourself.

Better Sleep
It’s no secret that a lot of time spent on social media in our everyday life can cause stress and anxiety. When your anxiety levels go up, the ease with which you can sleep tends to go down. You’re also sure to feel more comfortable in bed at night when you start spending less time hunched over a laptop screen or with your neck staring down at your phone for most part the day.

This time can be spent reading, meditating, and finding a way to relax the mind and body, instead. The benefits of no/balanced technology are endless since this is cause of a lot of stress related incidents in our lives.

Whether it’s no technology for 30 minutes a day or limiting the amount of time in general, whatever changes you’ve been hoping to make, the break from technology ultimately helps clear your mind so that you can focus
on making those changes a priority.


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