5 Ways to Incorporate a Spiritual Practice in the New Year

The year 2020 has truly shaken our world to the core, I think we can all assert that.

With all that’s been happening, we inevitably find ourselves thinking about what is next and what can we do to tackle any challenges that may surface.

We cannot control what happens around us, but we can control how we handle the circumstances.

The year 2021 is fastly approaching and I am here to talk about different ways in which you can incorporate a spiritual practice into your life.

This journey will make you feel excited and in control of your emotions and stresses.

Who doesn’t want to feel this way? I know I do!


Having a daily meditation practice is when you clear your mind and truly listen to your subconscious. This is the time when you hear your intuition and connect to your heart center. There are a lot of misconceptions about meditation, one of which being trying to not have any thoughts and just “clearing your mind”. Even though this can somewhat be true, meditation is NOT about not having thoughts! You will always have thoughts. So, during this time, observe them without engaging or justifying them- just let your thoughts pass on through. Begin by committing to just a few minutes a day where you sit, focus on your breathing, and ask the divine/spirit/universe

“What do I need to know in this moment?” If you struggle to maintain a consistent practice, try my 7 Day Meditation Journey ebook.


Your body serves as a container for mind/body/spirit. In order for your mind and spirit to be functioning at a higher level, it’s imperative that you keep your body properly functioning at all times. Yoga is a spiritual practice that significantly impacts the way you think, move, and react to the world. This is a powerful way to develop awareness, physical strength, and spirituality within yourself.


Gratitude is a gateway for abundance and positive attraction.

As spirituality and the law of attraction become more popular today, giving thanks and gratitude for all that life has to offer -even the little things- is a strong way to having control of your present and being a co-creator of your future.

How can you expect to make your dreams a reality, when you forget to give thanks for all the things you have in front of you already? Spend 5 minutes in the morning sitting still saying or writing 5 things you are grateful for. This will positively impact your mood throughout the day.


Journaling about your practice helps you document your experience both on and off the mat, so you can reconnect with the truth of who you are;

the deeper you are willing to go in during your practice, the more you get out of it. You never know how beneficial journaling is until you try it for yourself.

It is such a great way to connect with your feelings, emotions, and higher Self. Writing down what you’re thankful for, what you’re going through, your life’s desires, etc. will make you feel inspired and motivated to face life with tranquility and a more positive mindset.

Let go

Meditate, pray, and surrender.

This is the part where you release control of the outcome and trust that life, the universe, the divine, spirit has your best interest at heart, and everything is working in your favor for the greater good of all.

What I have come to find out over many many years of my own practice is that when you truly surrender your attachment to a desired outcome, things often turn out a million times better than you could have ever dreamed.

When you surrender to the greater life force within you, you begin to live in the flow.

Send the high vibrations out there, do the work, ask for guidance, and protection, and then trust that what is coming to you is absolutely, divinely perfect. The universe makes no mistakes.

Give thanks

Give thanks to the divine (in whatever form he/she it may be for you) on a daily basis, meditate, journal, and be present in all that you do.

I hope that 2021 is your greatest year yet and that you manifest your deepest desires for the greatest good of all.



Acceptance and the art of letting go


How having a spiritual practice helps with feeling comfortable with the unknown